9  Handling Unknown Variables

Although it is possible to add variables to the parser, there may be times when you can’t anticipate the exact variable names that a user will enter. For example, a user could enter variables representing fiscal years in the format of FY[year]. From there, they would like to perform operation such as getting the range between them. In this situation, their expression may be something like this:

ABS(FY1999 - FY2009)

Here, one could expect the variables FY1999 and FY2009 to be treated as 1999 and 2009, respectively. By subtracting them (and then taking the absolute value of the result), this should yield 10. The problem is that you would need to set up custom variables prior for FY1999 and FY2009. Even worse, to handle any additional years the user may enter, you would need to create custom variables for every year possible.

Rather than doing that, you can allow the parser to not recognize these variables as usual. At this point, it will fall back to a user-defined function that you provide to resolve it. This is called an “unknown symbol resolver” (USR), and this function will:

When your function resolves a symbol, then its name and numeric value will be added to the parser. Any future evaluations will recognize this name and return the value you previously resolved it to.

To change the value for a variable that was resolved previously, use te_parser::set_constant().

This function is set up in the parser by passing it to te_parser::set_unknown_symbol_resolver() and can take one of the following signatures:

    te_type callback(std::string_view);
    te_type callback(std::string_view, std::string&);

The first version will accept the unknown symbol and either return a resolved value or te_parser::te_nan. The second version is the same, except that it also accepts a string reference to write a custom message to. (This message can later be retrieved by calling te_parser::get_last_error_message().)

If your USR throws a std::runtime_exception with an error message in it, then that message will also be available through te_parser::get_last_error_message().

te_parser::set_unknown_symbol_resolver() can accept either a function pointer or a lambda. Here is a simple example using a function:

te_type ResolveResolutionSymbols(std::string_view str)
    // Note that this is case sensitive for brevity.
    return (str == "RES" || str == "RESOLUTION") ?
        96 : te_parser::te_nan;

This can be connected as such:

te_parser tep;

// Will resolve to 288, and "RESOLUTION" will be added as a
// variable to the parser with a value of 96.
// Also, beccause TinyExpr++ is case insensitive,
// "resolution" will also be seen as 96 once "RESOLUTION"
// was resolved.
tep.evaluate("RESOLUTION * 3");

Although TinyExpr++ is case insensitive, it is your USR’s responsibility to process case-insensitively when resolving names. Once a name has been resolved, then the parser will recognize it case-insensitively in future evaluations.

The following is an example using a lambda and demonstrates the fiscal-year-variables scenario mentioned earlier:

te_parser tep;

// Create a handler for undefined tokens that will recognize
// dynamic strings like "FY2004" or "FY1997" and convert them to 2004 and 1997.
    // Handler should except a string (which will be the unrecognized token)
    // and return a te_type.
    [](std::string_view str) -> te_type
    const std::regex re{ "FY([0-9]{4})",
        std::regex_constants::icase | std::regex_constants::ECMAScript };
    std::smatch matches;
    std::string var{ str };
    if (std::regex_search(var.cbegin(), var.cend(), matches, re))
        // Unrecognized token is something like "FY1982," so extract "1982"
        // from that and return 1982 as a number. At this point, the variable
        // "FY1982" will be added to the parser and set to 1982. All future
        // evaluations will see this as 1982 (unless set_constant() is called
        // to change it).
        if (matches.size() > 1)
            { return std::atol(matches[1].str().c_str()); }
            { return te_parser::te_nan; }
    // Can't resolve what this token is, so return NaN.
        { return te_parser::te_nan; }

// Calculate the range between to fiscal years (will be 10):  

By default, the parser’s USR is a no-op and will not process anything. If you had provided a USR but then need to turn off this feature, then pass a no-op lambda (e.g., []{}) or no-op object (te_usr_noop{}) to set_unknown_symbol_resolver().

Also, once a variable has been resolved by your USR, it will be added as a custom variable with the resolved value assigned to it. With subsequent evaluations, the previously unrecognized symbols you resolved will be remembered. This means that it will not to be resolved again and will result in the value that your USR returned from before.

If you prefer to not have resolved symbols added to the parser, then pass false to the second parameter to set_unknown_symbol_resolver(). This will force the same unknown symbols to be resolved again with every call to compile(expression) or evaluate(expression). (The version of evaluate() which does not take any parameters will not force calling the USR again, see below.) This can be useful for when your USR’s symbol resolutions are dynamic and may change with each call.

For example, say that an end user will enter variables that start with “STRESS,” but you are uncertain what the full name will be. Additionally, you want to increase the values of these variables with every evaluation. The following demonstrates this:

te_parser tep;

    [](std::string_view str) -> te_type
    static te_type stressLevel{ 3 };
    if (std::strncmp(str.data(), "STRESS", 6) == 0)
        { return stressLevel++; }
        { return te_parser::te_nan; }
    // purge resolved varialbes after each evaluation

// Initial resolution of STRESS_LEVEL will be 3.
// Because STRESS_LEVEL wasn't kept as a variable (with a value of 3)
// in the parser, then subsequent evaluations will require
// resolving it again:
tep.evaluate("STRESS_LEVEL"); // Will be 4.
tep.evaluate("STRESS_LEVEL"); // 5
tep.evaluate("STRESS_LEVEL"); // 6

As a final note, if you are not keeping resolved variables, your USR will only be called again if you call evaluate or compile with an expression. Because the original expression gets optimized, evaluate() it will not re-evaluate any variables. Calling evaluate with the original expression will force a re-compilation and in turn call the USR again.